Thursday, February 21, 2013

10 Things I Love About My Massage Business

1. Choosing my hours and never having to clock in again.

2. I get to where tennis shoes without any flak.

3. Seeing my clients' smiles and hearing them say they can't wait for their massage.

4. Showing my clients what they can do at home to improve their condition, and then them coming back to me reporting they feel so much better since they followed my advice.

5. My business attracts like-minded people.

6. Finding different ways to improve my massage.

7. Coming up with new marketing plans on a small budget.

8. That magical moment when your client's muscles just relax or their whole body just relaxes giving into the massage.

9. I love to have expecting mothers come in every month to see their body change. I feel like I was part of the whole pregnancy.

10. I see immediate results, and feel I have a positive impact on peoples lives.

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